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BLUE CIRCLE ENGINEERING LIMITED’s main activity is the selling and distribution of bulk LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas).
The company is also involved in the installation of LPG related equipment for the provision of the LPG product.

The company pioneered the promotion of LPGas as a source of energy for central heating, domestic hot water and in the industry sector in general, thus, reducing pollutants and, by extension, the devastating greenhouse effect on the environment.

Our LPGas is of top quality (synthesis: 35-40% propane in winter and 30-33% propane in the summer, the rest is butane), and as we import our own LPGas, we can offer very competitive prices.

All Blue Circle LPGas installations are strictly based on the Code of Practice of the Department of Labor Inspection of Cyprus, while the continuous training of  the staff  provides better understanding and quick solutions to any issues that may occur, thereby proving the professionalism and the solemnity that distinguishes our company.

It was a natural result of things, in addition to a strategic goal, the development of Blue Circle in one of the most fast growing companies in the sector with credibility as one of its characteristics.

Reliability of our products, human resources and service to each and every one of our clients.

We stant by our customer: from the first meeting to the sale, and exemplary aftersales practices.

The high quality of our products envelops and satisfies the needs of our clients since we choose products with love, as our client's home is our place. Blue Circle has chosen to partner only with leading global corporations with one main purpose: collaboration with each customer is an automatic commitment to satisfaction and guarantee.

Blue Circle invests permanently in technology and modernization as it has been identified as a leading company within the sector. Perhaps it is the only company in the sector that operates after-sales processes so as to be able to permanently explore customer satisfaction for a true satisfied expirience.

As of the 1st of June 2019, Blue Circle Engineering Limited has become a member of the Hellenic Petroleum Group of Companies.

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